QualityIPTv’s privacy policies explain how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy when you use our Services. When you use Quality TV subscription, you are trusting us with your information. By using our website, you agree with our term so please read our privacy policy carefully, it will help you understand what information we collect, how we collect, manage and use your information. We have three main services: Personal account Restream account Reseller accountInformation Qualiy Iptv collects-When you are signed in, we ask for your email to create an account for you on our web. -We collect information regarding what pages within the site that you use, how many time you look at this site and for how long, that information helps us know what types of account you have, where are you on my website, what information you need and see what error do you have.Sharing your information– Sharing Qualiyt IPTV's subscription is prohibited. Remember, when you share information publicly, your account will be banned without refund.– We do not share your personal information with companies, organizations without your explicit permission.How we use your information– Improve the feature of our web to serve you– Located your issue and quickly solve it– Adjust our contents and make it more helpful for youAbout this policyFrom time to time we may modify our terms or any additional terms with or without notice of any such changes in our policy.
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